Middle Age Crazy? It'll Cost to Do Your Thing
"According to the American Psychological Association's annual stress test, nearly a third of 45- to 60-year-olds think they are "extremely stressed.""
We've got that to look forward to.
This article strikes me as a cautionary tale that mostly suggests one keep one's head down and dreams on hold till later. And the recomendations don't ring true.
For example:
If your company doesn't have a [sabbatical] program, try proposing one.
This of course is the last thing companies want to do, especially when margins are so tightly squeezed. A sabbatical program not only costs money in the short term, but they are a huge hit to the books when implemented since you can't rightly start everyone off at zero credit towards the program. Rather, you find yourself in a position where you need to grant credit for everyone's years of service -- so overnight you suddenly have a large pool of employees to whom you owe a sabbatical.
Many of the other suggestions are similarly out of touch with the reality of the people in the midst of such a situation and further serve to underscore the lack of an easy solution to this crisis. What's the solution, lowered expectations?
We've got that to look forward to.
This article strikes me as a cautionary tale that mostly suggests one keep one's head down and dreams on hold till later. And the recomendations don't ring true.
For example:
If your company doesn't have a [sabbatical] program, try proposing one.
This of course is the last thing companies want to do, especially when margins are so tightly squeezed. A sabbatical program not only costs money in the short term, but they are a huge hit to the books when implemented since you can't rightly start everyone off at zero credit towards the program. Rather, you find yourself in a position where you need to grant credit for everyone's years of service -- so overnight you suddenly have a large pool of employees to whom you owe a sabbatical.
Many of the other suggestions are similarly out of touch with the reality of the people in the midst of such a situation and further serve to underscore the lack of an easy solution to this crisis. What's the solution, lowered expectations?