I Want More!

I was recently asked, 
How do I negotiate my base salary offer with Google? The base plus stock exceeds my compensation. But however my base is 15k lower than my current base plus San Fran has a cost of living 20% more. How should I approach negotiating my base salary with Google?
What would I do?  
  • First, I don't make any ultimatums, unless I am ready to follow through. 
  • Second, I remember that cost of living does not matter.  What do I mean?  I mean, companies will pay based on what comparable individuals cost in the local market.  At first, this might seem to then reflect the cost of living in the local market, but no one asks a limo driver how much his rent is. They just choose the car service with the best price for the level of service they want.
  • Third, I am sure to consider "total comp" at both places.  That is, salary plus bonus plus stock (at current value, taking into account vesting schedule), 401k after tax contribution plans, and any other significant factors (e.g., free child care, if they have it and I'd otherwise be paying for it).
  • Fourth, I'd use the numbers from step three, above, when talking with Google.  
  • Fifth, although your question is not 100% clear, it actually sounds like my annual income will increase with Google, in this scenario, but that my mix of base/bonus/stock/extras will be different.  If that is the case, it may be hard to "negotiate" an even larger income increase.
  • Six, even if #5 is correct, I can still ask.  They have heard it all before, and a respectful question about compensation or related topics is unlikely to create an issue for me (and I'm okay if it does).

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